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October 06, 2007


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Roger Anderson

I was beginning to worry about you. I thought maybe your iPhone was to engrossing and you were not getting anything done. Now that I have see several in action I am tempted, once I can get one on the Sprint network to get one myself.

I see you read two of my favorite books - Creative Destruction (although I disagree with most of what they say. I do like their transformation definitions) Blink - most people misunderstand the point but that is what discussion is all about.

Great pictures of the folks. It is hard to believe our parents were young once.


Thanks Roger. Not to worry. I do go dormant occasionally, and often while I'm considering new ideas or have too many things to do. I don't know how bloggers who jot things down every day do it. I'll never be that.

@iPhone. I'm a little bummed that T-Mobile was signed as an "exclusive" seller in Germany, but don't get to play here. They have a much smaller footprint in the US, but they are 100x better than AT&T at almost everything. Maybe I'll have to buy a German version next time I'm over there. This whole "exclusive" thing seems like a really bad idea, unless Apple is getting something really extraordinary in return -- visual voicemail simply isn't enough to justify locking in with a single provider and taking away consumer choice.

@Creative Destruction. I disagree with significant percentages of almost everything I read. For example, "Dealing with Darwin" is probably Moore's worst thought out and worst written book. I found much in it that was overwrought and didn't even make sense logically. However, it had a couple of good ideas, and I still learned something from it. "Creative Destruction"'s main premise that 'built-to-last' is really 'built-to-underperform' and eventually to be highly susceptable to disruption is a point that can't be repeated too often. If I combine that with an idea from "The Innovator's Solution", it's easy to see why many large companies get complacent and smug, and are unable to respond to disruptive innovation, even if the idea is something they had themselves but failed to commercialize. If I am a potential disruptor, it gives me the recipe of what to look for as weaknesses in my competition, and how to eat them alive. But, it too has some questionable thoughts.

@Blink. Gladwell is a great storyteller. It's hard to put one of his books down once you start, and it's harder to dismiss anything he says because his writing is so compelling. I agree about people misunderstanding, but most people misunderstand most things of significance. I wish all authors were this easy to read.

@parents. If you knew my parents, you'd have an especially hard time believing that they were ever young. Do you get the feeling that some people were just born old? Photos can tell another story.

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