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March 29, 2007


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Mark Newman

Thanks for linking to us at HireVue, we are doing more video interviews for companies every day. Video resumes are here to stay as a novelty but you really nailed it in the sense that there needs to be some sort of structure (recruiters asking three questions of top candidates for example) and less over the top videos.

Mark Newman

Robyn McMaster

Paul, thanks for sharing this really ingenious new way for folks to let prospective employers see what they do!

Sean Howard


Course nothing on vidrez can compare to the infamous Aleksey.

The body building part still makes me cringe.

Has anyone ever found out what happened to Aleksey? Did he ever get a job?

I'm interested in how you see video disrupting the process. It's hard for me to see remote web interviews but that said, I have witnessed initial interviews via vid-conferencing.

And the costs of having someone answer three questions and upload them to a service like YouTube are drastically cheaper and easier to coordinate as well. No high end vid-con facilities are needed.


Hi Sean:

It isn't the video part that is disruptive per se. You could have gone to a professional production studio, created a video resume on VHS tape and mailed it out, but for someone who's career isn't acting, that would be cost prohibitive and of virtually no value.

There are a couple of factors that make this disruptive. One is the fact that it is a low end solution with lots of limitations. For example, you get a small picture, low resolution, viewable on a computer screen only (although Apple TV is changing that), poor sound quality, maximum of a few minutes long and something anybody can create on a consumer camcorder for free. (The fact that Shawn had his professionally produced doesn't matter.)

Another factor is that the new medium has no bridge to the old. For now, a VHS tape (or professionally created DVD) is still of higher quality, but there is no easy way for the old technology to encapsulate the new. This increasingly relegates the old form to very high end applications, and eventually obsoletes it and squeezes it out of the market.

Third is the fact that YouTube is free (low or no cost), but is superior in one very important way to the old technology --> the distribution footprint. Anybody, anywhere can view this if they have an internet connection.

Clearly video resumes have application in the acting and modelling niches. The question is whether it has application anywhere else. Using old technology, or something like VidRez, I'd say "no". It costs too much, and doesn't add value compared to YouTube. However, there are possible applications in traditional job interviewing, such as one I described where an executive recruiter has narrowed it down to 5 candidates to present to the potential employer. They could set up a pretty primitive arrangement with a camcorder on a tripod in a office, and tape the candidates answering the same set of 3-4 questions to give a thumbnail snapshot for the employer to rule out one or two and save the cost of a flight. The final interview is still going to be done in person, because for that important a decision, there is no substitute for face-to-face.

So, it's the enabling technology from YouTube that is disruptive and that makes video "recruiting" possible and practical, and the characteristics of the medium that I described, not the fact that it is video-based. It is these factors of cost, ubiquity and accessibility that potentially will create the opportunity for video resumes to grow from a tiny niche to become mainstream.

Sean Howard

Interesting. I got ya now.

And the fact that no one has seen it as a threat is yet another sign, eh?

It seems to me that personal profile sites are getting pretty advanced.

Personal websites used to primarily CV based on the IT world. How many bloggers haven't used their growing status and visibility to leverage better jobs?

So beyond just the application of a specific video resume service, there's the potentiality for someone liked linkedin or another service to launch video CV profiles to further round out a professional or unique position online.

Neat! Gotta go right a video extension business plan now. ;)


Well, I think the real message is that there isn't an opportunity here for all the specialized sites that want to do video resumes. There can only be one leader, and why go with proprietary and costly when there's already something that's open, free and disruptive? Assuming the market can evolve to accept video resumes, there is still no point to what they offer, because between LinkedIn, YouTube, The Ladders, etc. all the bases are covered.

There is still opportunity to build widgets or mashups that integrate these things together intelligently. (Is that the bizplan you want to write?) It would be nutty for LinkedIn to compete with YouTube and vice versa - makes a lot more sense to partner, or for Google to buy LinkedIn. And, if someone cracks the nut for how to create a video add-on to a traditional resume or online profile that isn't a self-parody or tacky or harmful, there could be an opportunity to start a professional services company, but I don't think we're there yet culturally.

Certainly agree with your observation about blogs. But they are a different animal, because they allow someone to demonstrate skills and knowledge in a direct way far beyond what a resume can do, and to control their (the author's) online presence meaningfully. Funny that with those benefits, so few of us (relatively speaking) are doing it yet.

Video Interviewing Fan

Video interviewing is definitely the future of recruiting. As a new generation of workers graduates, they have grown up with the internet and are very comfortable using video as a means of communication (see iPhone FaceTime feature). Its just a matter of time before we hit the tipping point on uptake. I think it'll be especially relevant in admissions and for new graduates, where its hard to differentiate on just a resume.

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